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Here at Quality Family Care, everyday is welcomed with the same love and gratitude that we pass on in every situation, from our home life, to the office. Although compliments on our service happen on a regular basis, it is rare that a client takes the time to write us a letter thanking us for the time spent with their loved ones. Such is the case below, although we could not display the names, we wanted to share this with you.



To Whom It May Concern:


I realize that people mostly take the time to complain whenever they’re unhappy about something or other.  Especially if they believe that things are not working in their favor.

This is not the case, I want to thank you for providing us with some of your most dedicated, caring, and supportive care givers and office staff that I have had the privilege of working with.   I can’t remember all the names but there are a few people that stands out.


Miss Stephanie you rock! you as well as the other staffers always ensure that someone is assigned to provide care to my dad on a daily basis.


Awesome Caregivers:  Miss Idania, Miss Denise, Miss Marie, Miss Cassells, Miss Aljenese… these are a few of your shining super stars and they represent your company well.


Taking care of my dad SW (name omitted) was a daily challenge due to his stroke and partial paralyses.  I just want you to know that having the support of your staff was a blessing to me and my family.  The attitude and action of everyone tells me that they have the support of some awesome supervisors and managers.


Ladies and gentlemen thanks a lot for all that you do, we the families appreciate you.


Thank you kindly,




(Names Omitted)




If you or your loved one is in need of in home assistance, home health care aid, or in-home nursing, call the family that has your best quality interest in mind with the best care possible, get in touch with us at 561-242-9450, toll-free: 877-513-7156

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